Notte dei Talenti – Award for Sunchem Holding Ltd.

15 November – At the Maestrale room Cotone, Porto Antico, Genoa, took place the Night of Talents. The presence of so many young people have distinguished themselves rewarded the Ligurian companies for technological innovation. The jury – De Luise Chamber of Commerce of Genoa, Liguria Castellano Esaote and Bucci Digitale – awarded Sunchem Holding Ltd. Present as guests of the Regional Minister Ilaria cable, the Mogul master and the athlete Nicole Orlando, famous Paralympic athlete. Thank Arsel for the...

Corriere della Sera – Sette

Article that the attachment of the Corriere della Sera – SEVEN – dedicating today to the story of the production process of Solaris – Sunchem. Due to its characteristics, the project has been selected to participate, along with others, allocation of “SEVEN GREEN...

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